I've shared with you in our last update how I passed the CBAP exam and how proud my husband and our families are of this achievement. Last week, the company also joined in the celebration by posting it in our company website. We were bursting with pride as this is the first "big" success that I've had in my career here in NZ. I told our families about this and they were so proud that they didn't spare a second and spread the news to our extended relatives. My dad, being the proud father that he is, is planning to print the article in national newspapers and magazines in the Philippines, much to my chagrin (well, deep inside I'm happy that he's THAT proud). Ofcourse, I had to clear it with my boss at work -- thinking that the company had a policy against publishing the Bank's name but my boss was supportive of "proud dads embarrassing their daughters" and is probably waiting for a copy of the newspaper. Anyway, here's the article published in our company website. There you go --my 2 seconds of fame (well, it was more of a week since the article was in the front page for 1 week).

Ako Si Kim Sam Soon in English Subs (My Name Is Kim Sam Soon)
After my exam, I found that I had extra time to spare so I joined a group via the Internet whose goal is to put subtitles on Filipino TV series and movies. The group's intrinsic goal was to share the Filipino culture to the rest of the world and a best way of doing this was to let them understand our TV programs.
The first "project" I joined in was to put subtitles on the scary series, Patayin sa Sindak si Barbara (Scare Barbara to Death) and it was my first time subbing a series. Wow! It was hard work. I have so much respect now for the people who sub animes and my favorite korean/taiwan/japanese dramas. Translating Filipino dialogues to English was quite challenging and there were times I was stumped and had to call in the wisdom of my hubby, Ronnel and if that didn't work, I resorted to my all-time saviour -- google. There are just Filipino words that we can't directly translate to English so most of the time we'd paraphrase. Like the line, "Nanginginig ang laman ko sa galit." which directly translates to "My flesh is shaking in anger." which to me sounded absurd so we had to paraphrase it to "I am really really mad."
Anyway, now that the team is done with the scary series, I moved on to a romantic comedy - Ako Si Kim Sam Soon, which is the Filipino version of the popular korean drama My Name is Kim Sam Soon. I loved the Korean version so I was highly skeptic about the Filipino version but much to my surprise, I am enjoying it,s well as Ronnel. So yeah, it's now officially in the eingenel list of recommended dramas.
Anyway, the team has released the first few episodes of this comedy with English Subs. If you're one of my Malaysian or Kiwi friends who don't understand Filipino and are keen to see what our culture is like, I suggest you watch this series. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. And hey, that's the product of an eingenel effort (I did the translating/timing while Ronnel did the review on tough Filipino dialogues).
You can get the episodes here.
CLP has started....
A new series of Christian Life Program(CLP) sessions has started. The CLP is basically the introduction level to Couples For Christ/Singles For Christ. Ronnel and I had completed ours last year and that's why we had our funny video/drama as part of the "graduation". This year, we were a bit sad to see there was only 1 couple during the orientation session last week but we are hoping there'll be more attending next Saturday. Ronnel and I trying to invite our friends here but there's just so many things that keep them from joining but I know one day, we will all be together in this community so there's no rush, we are giving them all the time that they want.