Fathers Day Breakfast

And we got him a mug where Aqui's photos magically appear when hot drink is poured into it..

In the afternoon, we had a household prayer meeting to pray for our friends who are celebrating this day followed by the first barbeque of the year. (Still waiting for photos from Paz...)
Aqui Outings
Aqui has been busy these past few weeks. We've been to the doctors' several times that I have their number on speed dial. It is quite rattling for a first time mum like me so whenever I feel something isn't right, I call the nurse or doctor right away. Maybe on our second child, I wont be as panicky anymore... haha. Aqui's had an infection on her middle finger because of her frequent thumbsucking (why not the thumb?) and we were given anti biotics for that. After 3 days, she got better. Then she got eczema from the changing weather (it's Spring now). After that, she got an infection again, this time on her ring finger. Ayayayayay.... She's all better now. Hopefully, she won't have any other "condition" in the next few weeks (months or years even, but that's too much to ask) otherwise, the doctor will think I'm a stalker.. haha
Here she is with friends...

And in her new chair (I got this special chair for 3 months and up.. to help them sit up. She's enjoying it a lot (a lot means for 25 minutes max).

And she attended Keisha's 1st Birthday party.. will be posting pics of that when I get them from Arnel.. :-)