Immunisations Again
Aqui got her 3-month immunisation shots this afternoon and as expected, it pained me to see her undergo such pain. This time, Ronnel was there to experience it with me. I remember the first time when she got her sixth week shot and I broke down in tears as Aqui's cries were like glass shattering in my heart. This time I was more prepared and didn't shed a tear but it doesn't mean it was an experience we liked. Aqui seemed to have a sixth sense about it and started crying the moment we stepped in the clinic. She knew something was up. Her cries pierced through our ears (and the clinic doors!) the same time the needle pierced her chubby thighs (there were two shots). I suppose it was good that it didnt take much for her to recover. After a few minutes of feeding and a lot of cuddling, she was back to her normal smiling self. She was a bit grumpy in the afternoon but thankfully, she wasn't difficult at all (neither did she have fever... well, still 12 hours to go).
Too Sleep Trained
It turns out that there is such a thing as too much sleep training. The other night, Ronnel was on Aqui duty and Aqui started wailing. I was on the shower then so it was all up to Daddy to pacify Aqui. He heated up the milk, carried her, lulled her but still, the wailing didn't stop. After a while, he put Aqui down on her bassinet to get the heated milk and presto, silence was upon the room. Yup, all Aqui wanted was to sleep and be left alone on her bassinet. The same thing happened to me yesterday morning when she woke up at around 530 am (from sleeping at around 9pm last night). She was hungry so I fed her. We played a bit, she pooed, I changed her, she pooed again, I changed her again and at around 630, I knew it was time for her to sleep. I sang her lullaby (this is her cue to sleep) and she was actually a bit drowsy and then she started to cry. I thought she was hungry again, but she wasn't. Or she pooed again, but she didn't. After a while, my arms were getting numb (she was getting heavy!), I decided to put her down on her bassinet. Voila, she stopped crying, closed her eyes and sucked her thumb to sleep. The irony of Aqui! She cries because she is being cradled and lulled to sleep whence she just wants to be left alone! I can read her thoughts now.. "Mommy and Daddy, you were the ones who trained me to sleep on my own and now, you can't leave me alone? What The Fish!?@%" hahaha.
Happy 3 Months Aqui!
As usual, we celebrated her month-day with her (our) favorite cake. Ninang Laiz and Tito Rommil dropped by to help us finish the food. hehe. Here are some of her pictures to celebrate her 3rd month.

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