I had my first outing today! Mommy and Daddy deemed I was old enough (I am 16 days old now) to attend mass and go to the mall. Mum took a long time preparing for my day out while Dad was busy making sure that my pram and car seat are ready for the rough weather outside. The weather wasn't so cooperative with my warm and sunny disposition -- there was hail (it was a first for all of us to see hail in Wellington!) and it was freezing outside. No wonder I was dressed warmly and snuggly in my new Pink jumpsuit (courtesy of my Ninang-to-be Doyeth).
My first stop was St. Peter and Paul's Parish as we attended our first Sunday mass as a family. I saw my ninang-to-be Laiz (& Tito Romil) and ninong-to-be Boy (& Tita Cecile and Kuya Joshua) at church too. I got blessed by Fr. Peter during communion and so I was ready to go out and partey!
My next stop was the mall. It was raining cats and dogs (and ice!) in Johnsonville but Lower Hutt was more to my liking. Westfield Queensgate was full of shoppers, especially since it was the Queen's birthday weekend and so there were lots of sales and special deals in the shops. Mum and Dad bought me clothes because I kept complaining that all I had were blue clothes and people kept telling me how handsome I was and how cute my parents' little boy was. If only I could scream "I am a girl! Can't you see how pretty I am like my mum?" Too bad people see how closely I resemble my dad - can't they see I have my mom's eyes?
Shopping for my clothes made my mom and dad hungry so we had to stop for lunch. They had butter chicken while I had my usual fix of breastmilk. I wasn't really much of an active shopper as I was sleeping the whole time and even did a little poo and wee here and there. At least I wasn't a party pooper and didnt complain much even when my nappy was full of you-know-what.
All in all, I think my first day out was a success. I didn't get into an accident - even when mommy kept on shoving my stroller onto the wrong path- and I was a good girl the whole time... until we came home.
Hope you enjoyed reading about my first day out! Watch out for my future adventures.
Here are some pictures of my first day out.
My first Sunday Mass
Don't I look like a girl now?
Shopping Time!
Lunch Time!
Home Time
Hail at our backyard
Nappy Change
More Visitors
Cute Picture Frame from Tita Jenny in Malaysia