by Aqui basking in the Sun....

I took over mom's role in updating our blog because she's been so busy taking care of me. And my life is more interesting than hers anyway, agree?
Happy Birthday Tito Arnel!Anyway, I'm soooo tired because we were out and about since Thursday. You saw my pictures with the other babies last Thursday, haven't you? Last Friday night, we went to Tito Arnel's house to celebrate his 25th birthday (he said he stopped aging when he reached 25 decades ago) with his family. Here are our pics...

See you soon Neon!The next day, we went to Tito Donald and Tita Tin's house to throw them a baby shower. I'll be meeting my new friend Neon soon! We had fun games and a nice lunch (Daddy was looking forward to the lunch because he was getting tired of the microwaved lunches he's been having since I was born.)
Here are our pics.

And ofcourse, Sunday is the Lord's day so we attended mass. At church, I saw one of my antenatal classmates getting baptised. I'm looking forward to my turn!
So today is Monday and it's my rest day. What's more, there's an NBA game today so Daddy will be glued to the TV again.
Oh and I want to say I'm happy that I have a new friend again. Yanyan has been born healthy and cute but too bad I can't meet her face to face. She's in Malaysia with her mom and dad who are good friends of my parents -- they became really great friends when they were in Malaysia a couple of years ago. Maybe in 2012, we'll get a chance to meet, right Yanyan? Isn't she cuuuuute?
Where did I get my looks?In the meantime, I'm leaving a task for all of you blog readers. It's been a debate ever since I was born on whom I resemble more. My grandma Lilia and grampa Mon say I look like Daddy. My mamu Emee (she refuses to be called granny) says I look like my mommy. Ofcourse, they're biased. So I ask you, objective and rational people to participate on the poll (right side of the blog home page) to end this once and for all. And to help you decide, here's a picture of my mom and dad when they were kids. Too bad their baby pictures are in Manila but I'll ask my grandparents to look for them so we can have a much closer look.