Hello all! Here I am back again with heavy news -- yup, I'm getting bigger. Yesterday, a nurse from Plunket came to visit and check up on me. I was dozing off during my tummy time and I didnt like that they woke me up just to weigh me. That explains why I'm so grumpy in these photos. But see how big I am now -- from 2.9kg to 4.17 in just 6 weeks!

Welcome to the world, Neon Gabrio.
I met a new friend (again!). They keep teasing us that we were MFEO (made for each other) just because we weighed the same when we were delivered. Plus, he kept on looking at me when I came for a visit. I can't help it though, I'm just too pretty.

Friends Get-Together (Again!)
Seems like all the babies are growing and growing. Here we all are and yeah, I'm sleeping (again!). At least I'm not alone in dreamland, Caitlyn, who's beside me is with me in la-la land too.

And finally, I'm awake! Remember these babies?

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